Principal Ventura's Weekly Update

Good afternoon, Tiger Family, 

I hope this message finds you well and that you had a wonderful weekend. As we gear up for another week of learning and growth at Walker-Grant, I'd like to share a few important updates and reminders. 

Tomorrow kicks off a full week of learning for our students. Reminder—classes begin promptly at 7:40am.  


As we approach the upcoming holiday break, please remember the importance of your child's attendance at school. We understand that unforeseen circumstances and illness may arise. If your child cannot attend, please communicate these incidents with us using the attendance note link available online. 

Attendance Link 

Also please take a moment to watch the linked video clip below with your child as we continue to focus on the importance of regular school attendance. Remember attendance matters because your child matters to us. 

FCPS Student Attendance Video 

Tiger Paw Enrichment Academy 

Tiger Paw Enrichment Academy will meet this week. Please consider joining us for after-school tutoring. Transportation will be provided. 

After-School Clubs 

After-school clubs will meet this Friday, December 15. All students who have signed up for a club may attend. 

Winter Concert 

On Tuesday, December 12 our Orchestra, Band, and Chorus students will have a Winter concert. Performances will begin at 6:15pm. at James Monroe High School. Hope to see you there.  

Upcoming VA Holocaust Museum Field Trip 

Attention 8th-grade parents and guardians, as we prepare for the upcoming field trip to the Virginia Holocaust Museum, we ask that you please review the attached flyer with your student(s) about behavior expectations while off campus. Should you have any questions please get in touch with your student’s English teacher.  

VA Holocaust Museum Flyer 

Winter Spirt Days 

Winter Spirit Days continue this week. Tomorrow’s theme is “Wear White in our Winter Wonderland”. Please see the attached flyer for the full December Spirit Days calendar.  

Winter Spirit Days 

Boys Basketball 

The Walker-Grant boys' basketball season has begun!

  • Monday, December 11, W-GMS will take on Floyd T. Binns, at home, with a 4:30pm tipoff
  • Tuesday, December 12, W-GMS will play Louisa at home, with a 4:30pm start time
  • Thursday, December 14, W-GMS will play King George MS, away at King George MS at 4:30pm

Be sure to come out and support our student-athletes.

Thank you 

As always, we are looking forward to another productive and positive week ahead. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the main office at (540) 372-1145. We appreciate your ongoing support and involvement in your child's education. 

Go Tigers!