Principal Ventura's Weekly Update

Good Afternoon Tiger Family,  

I hope this message finds you well and that you had a wonderful winter break.  As we begin the 3rd quarter of our school year, I'd like to share a few important updates and reminders.  

Academic Improvement 

As we embark on the 2nd semester, I want to take a moment to share the importance of fostering a conducive learning environment for all. The upcoming months provide us with an opportunity to refocus on academic improvement and progress.

Here are some key points to consider as we navigate the second semester together: 

  • Encourage your child to view challenges as opportunities for growth. 

  • Help your child create a structured study routine that includes dedicated time for homework, review, and preparation for assessments.  

  • Promote and foster open communication between your student(s) and their school counselor and teachers. 

  • Guide your child in setting realistic and achievable academic goals. 

  • Model a strong work ethic, organizational skills, and a genuine enthusiasm for learning.   

By focusing on improvement, instilling appropriate behavior, and cultivating sound work habits, we lay the foundation for a successful and fulfilling educational journey. 


Please continue to partner with W-GMS to be Attendance Stars. To report absences or any attendance-related matters, please use the attendance note form on our website.  

Attendance Link  

School Closures and Delays 

As we settle into the winter season, please visit our school division website to stay informed about the weather's impact on our schools.  

Closure and Delay Information  

MySAEBRS Assessment 

Students will be completing the mySAEBRS assessment the week of the 16th. Parents, please ensure that your student brings their laptop to school, charged and ready to go. MySAEBRS is designed to identify social-emotional needs.   

Tiger Paw Academy Tutoring 

After school tutoring resumes this week. Math, English, Social Studies, and Science tutoring is available Monday-Thursday. Permission slips are available in the front office. 

Impact Aid 

We have a unique opportunity to benefit our school and students. I encourage you to assist FCPS in applying for additional funds for federally connected students by completing an Impact Aid survey that will be sent home tomorrow. Completed surveys are due to the counseling office by 1/15/24. Your participation in this process is invaluable, and we sincerely appreciate your support in securing these additional funds for the betterment of our students. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Finance Department at (540) 372-1130.  

New Adventures in 2024 

Thank you for your continued support, and here's to a semester filled with academic excellence and positive development. 

Go Tigers!