Good Afternoon Tiger Family,
This is your Principal Mr. Ventura with a few important announcements and reminders for the week ahead.
Early Dismissal
Wednesday, February 28, is an early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 p.m.
W-GMS Cell Phone Policy
We want to remind you of the W-GMS cell phone policy to support a positive learning environment. Recently, we've noticed increased phone use during class time and in the hallways, impacting instructional moments and our preparation for upcoming assessments.
Please review the following points with your student:
- Cell phones are to be off and stored out of sight while in class.
- If your student needs to leave the classroom, they must leave their phone in their bag or in the designated safe area.
- Cell phones may be used during breakfast and lunch waves, exclusively in the cafeteria.Students are permitted to use cell phones after school hours.
In case of non-compliance, we will reach out promptly, and we appreciate your collaboration in addressing any cell phone-related issues.
Quarter 3 Progress Monitoring Assessments
Students will be taking the Quarter 3 progress monitoring assessments this coming week. Please make sure that students bring their charged computer to school every day, so that they can show what they have learned.
Tiger Paw Academy Tutoring
It is not too late to sign up for after-school tutoring. If interested permission slips are available in the front office.
Please continue to partner with W-GMS to be Attendance Stars! To report absences or any attendance-related matters, please use the attendance note form linked to this message.
Opportunity for Foreign Language Classes
Dear parents and guardians of rising 6th and 7th graders there is still time for your student to request a Foreign Language class. Pleasw review the attached course catalog if interested.
Lost and Found
With the cooler weather and students wearing jackets and hoodies, our lost and found is overflowing with misplaced items. If your child is missing a jacket or hoodie, please stop by the school and notify the front office. All unclaimed items will be donated on March 8th.
Student Speak Out
Our Student Speak Out event will be on February 28th. Parents, please encourage your student(s) to participate. This is their opportunity to speak directly to FCPS School Board members and express what is important to them. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Dillow
I’m Determined Conference
The 2nd Annual I’m Determined Conference will be held on March 2nd, at Stafford High School, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If interested in attending, please use the attached form to register.
FCPS Family/Faculty Basketball Tournament
It's time for our annual FCPS Family/ Faculty March Madness Basketball Tournament! The first game is March 7th. Come out to JM to support our team. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Game starts at 6:00 p.m. If interested in participating, please contact Mr. Yaw
Spring Sports Information
If your student is interested in participating in Spring sports, please review the information attached to this message. Should you have any questions, please contact our Athletic Director Mr. Turner
- Track tryouts begin Monday, February 26
- Softball tryouts are Monday and Tuesday
Fredericksburg Youth Academy
The Fredericksburg Police Dept. will be hosting the Fredericksburg Youth Academy. If interested, please review the attached flyer and use the link to register.
Student laptop charger
Is your student in need of a new laptop charger? If so, please use the link attached,
Yearbooks On-Sale
W-GMS 2023 – 2024 yearbooks are now on sale for only $25. The last day to purchase is 3/22/24.
Thank you
As always, we want to thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another wonderful week ahead.
Go Tigers!