Principal Ventura's Weekly Update

Good Afternoon Tiger Family, 

This is your Principal Mr. Ventura with a few important announcements and updates for the week ahead.

As we approach the final stretch of the school year, let's rally together to tackle the upcoming SOL assessments head-on. With diligent preparation, commitment to achieving passing grades, and a steadfast dedication to daily attendance, we can empower our students to triumphantly finish the year on a high note. 

Q3 Report Cards 

3rd quarter report cards will be sent home with students on Tuesday, March 26. Please review your student’s grades and reach out to their teachers if needed. 

Upcoming School Closure

Next Monday, April 1, school will be closed. Looking forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday April 2.

Student Recognitions Awards Assemblies 

Families are invited to our grade-level student recognition assemblies on the following dates:

  • On Wednesday,

    April 3 at 8:00 am we will honor our 6th grade students. Also on Wednesday, April 3 at 9:30 am we will recognize our 7th graders. 

  • And on Thursday, April 4 at 8:00 am we will have our 8th grade awards assembly. 

Parent Teacher Conferences 

Parent Teacher conferences will be on Thursday, April 4, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Please call (540) 372-1145, by Wednesday April 3 so that we may schedule appointments with your child’s teachers. 

6th Grade Science Fair 

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming 6th Grade Science Fair, which will also be held on April 4 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. The science fair exhibits will be set up in the library, providing families with the opportunity to view them at their leisure.


Thank you for your continued support in promoting attendance and readiness for learning. To report absences please use the linked form: Attendance Link 

W-GMS Cell Phone Policy 

Please take a moment to remind students that phones need to be off and away during school.  Cell phones should not be visible during class or in the hallways. Students may access their phones during breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria only. Additionally, students may access their phones during after-school activities and on the bus. 

FCPS Family/Faculty March Madness Basketball Tournament 

Our first game of the Family/Faculty March Madness Basketball Tournament is this Thursday, March 28. Walker-Grant takes on Hugh Mercer. Come out to JM to support us. Game time is 6:00pm. Doors open at 5:00pm. 

Athletic Events 3/25-3/29  

Help us kick off our spring sports season this week! 

  • W-GMS baseball and softball teams will travel to Locust Grove on Monday, March 25. Game time is 4:30pm. 

  • W-GMS track and field team will compete against Locust Grove and King George at James Monroe HS on Tuesday, March 26 at 4:00pm.

  • W-GMS baseball and softball host Caroline on Thursday, March 28. Game time is 3:00pm.

Germanna STEAM H Day 

Please save the date for the Germanna STEAM H Day on April 6 from 10:00am – 2:00pm. If interested in this fun-filled family day of learning, please see the attached flyer: STEAM H Day Flyer 

Doug Carter STEM Fair 

Consider attending the Doug Carter STEM Fair on April 20 from 10:00am – 12:00pm at the Caroline County YMCA. Cash and prizes will be awarded to category winners. If interested, please see the attached flyer: Doug Carter STEM Fair 

National Poetry Contest 

Is your student an aspiring poet? Encourage them to see Mrs. Moore in the library to pick up information regarding the National Student Poetry Contest. Submit entries no later than April 30. 

Student Laptop Charger 

Is your student in need of a new laptop charger? If so, please use the link attached: 

Thank you 

As always, we want to thank you for your continued support, your partnership means the world to us and let's make this week fantastic together, focusing on productivity and growth! 


Go Tigers!