Principal Ventura's Weekly Update

Good Afternoon Tiger Family,

This is your principal, Mr. Ventura, with a few important announcements and updates for the week ahead.

As we press on in this fourth quarter of the school year, let's maintain our momentum. This is our opportunity to excel and get ready for the upcoming SOL assessments. Let's make every moment count, push boundaries, overcome obstacles, and celebrate every achievement, no matter how small. Together, as a team, there's nothing we can't accomplish.

Early Release

FCPS schools will close early on Monday, April 8, due to the solar eclipse. Before dismissal at 12:00 PM, all students will be provided with proper eye protection. We encourage everyone to safely enjoy this rare celestial event. 


Thank you for your continued support in promoting attendance and readiness for learning. To report absences please use the linked form.  

Attendance Link  

School Closure 

Please note FCPS will be closed on Wednesday, April 10th. Classes will resume on 4/11. 

SOL Testing Schedule  

Just a reminder, SOL testing begins this month. Take a moment to go over the testing dates and review material with your child.

Please Mark your calendars with the following dates for Spring SOL testing at Walker-Grant Middle School.  

W-GMS Spring SOL Testing Dates  

Tuesday, April 23

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Reading

Thursday, April 25

7th Grade Civics & 8th Grade World Geography

Thursday, May 2

8th Grade Science

Monday, May 6

7th Grade Algebra 1 & 8th Grade Geometry

Tuesday, May 7

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Math

Thursday, May 9

8th Grade Integrated Reading and Writing

W-GMS Cell Phone Policy

As we continue to focus on our studies, please remind your student(s) that phones need to be turned off and away during school. Cell phones should not be visible during class or in the hallways. Thank you in advance for your support.

SEAC Meeting 

The April Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meeting will be held on April 9th, virtually from 5:30-6:30 P.M. Please use the Zoom link attached to the email to attend.

Zoom Link: 



Athletic Events 4/8-4/12 

Come out and support our student athletes this week!  

  • Walker-Grant baseball and softball games scheduled for April 8 have been rescheduled for April 29

  • Walker-Grant MS baseball and softball teams will host Prospect Heights MS on Thursday, April 11, at 4:30 pm

  • Walker-Grant MS track and field team will travel to King George MS on Friday, April 12, for their 4:00pm track meet

Mental Health Resource Fair  

Please join us at the upcoming Mental Health Resource Fair, which will take place at James Monroe High School on Saturday, April 13, from 9am-2pm. To register for the event, please use the registration link attached to this message. Registration ends on April 8, 2024.  

Mental Health Resource Fair Registration Link 

Multicultural Month FCPS World Flags Trivia 

In celebration of Multicultural Month at FCPS, we invite our families to join us in some fun activities.

Please review the attached flyer to participate in the World Flags Trivia game. You will have until April 12 to answer all the questions to become the FCPS World Flags Champion! Best of luck! 

Name that Flag Contest 

RCD Parents Night 

Exciting news! We are transforming how we handle student discipline to better support each student's success. Join us for Parents Night on Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at James Monroe High School. Larry Thompson, creator of Responsibility-Centered Discipline, will be there to share insights and tips. Let's work together to help our students thrive! Please see the attached flyer for more information.   

RCD Parents Night Flyer  

Doug Carter STEM Fair  

Consider attending the Doug Carter STEM Fair on April 20th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the Caroline County YMCA. Cash and prizes will be awarded to category winners. If interested, please see the attached flyer.

Doug Carter STEM Fair  

National Poetry Month Contests

Aspiring poets have two opportunities to showcase their talent this month! 


  • National Poetry Contest 

    Encourage your budding poet to see Mrs. Moore in the library to pick up information regarding the National Student Poetry Contest. Submit entries no later than April 30

  • CRRL Teen Poetry Contest — Celebrate National Poetry Month by submitting your original poetry!  Winners are awarded cash prizes and will be invited to read their work at the Claudia Emerson Teen Poetry Night. Maximum of two entries per person. Due by April 15th.  Entries may be submitted using the following link: 2024 Teen Poetry Contest 

Student Laptop Charger  

Is your student in need of a new laptop charger? If so, please use the link attached.  

Thank you  

As always, we want to thank you for your ongoing support and participation, and we are looking forward to another productive and positive week ahead. 

Go Tigers!