Principal Ventura's Weekly Update

Good Afternoon Tiger Family,

This is your principal, Mr. Ventura, with a few important announcements and updates for the week ahead.

SOL testing begins this week! This is our chance to shine and highlight the remarkable progress you've all made.

Stay focused, give it your all, and have confidence in your abilities. Each of you is more than capable of conquering this challenge, and I'm confident you're well-prepared and ready for success.

You've got this!

SOL Testing

Please take a moment to go over the testing dates and review material with your child. Also, in preparation for the upcoming tests please ensure that your student comes to school with their laptop and charger every day.

Tuesday, April 23

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Reading

Thursday, April 25

7th Grade Civics & 8th Grade World Geography

Thursday, May 2

8th Grade Science

Monday, May 6

7th Grade Algebra 1 & 8th Grade Geometry

Tuesday, May 7

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Math

Thursday, May 9

8th Grade Integrated Reading and Writing

WGMS Spring SOL Testing Dates


Daily attendance is vital for your child's success. Thank you for your continued support in ensuring your student is present each day. To report any absences please use the Attendance Notes form.

Interim Reports

Interim reports were sent home with students on Friday. Please reach out to your student's teachers if you have questions or concerns.

WGMS Cell Phone Policy

As we continue to focus on our studies, please remind your student that phones need to be turned off and away during school.

Multicultural Week

In celebration of multicultural week, we will be wearing colors to showcase the 53 different countries of origin that represent our student population.

Monday, April 22

Yellow & Red

Tuesday, April 23

White & Green

Wednesday, April 24

Blue & White

Thursday, April 25

Blue & Red

Friday, April 26

Red & White

Athletic Events 4/22 - 4/26

Come out and support our student athletes this week:

  • WGMS baseball and softball teams will host Locust Grove tomorrow (4/22) at 4:30pm

  • On Tuesday (4/23), the track team will travel to Louisa High School for their 4:30pm meet against Louisa Middle School

  • On Thursday (4/25), our baseball and softball teams travel to King George Middle School for their 4:30pm game

  • On Saturday (4/27), Rappahannock Relays will take place at 9am at James Monroe High School

National Poetry Month Contest

Encourage your budding poet to see Mrs. Moore in the library to pick up information regarding the National Student Poetry Contest. Submit entries no later than April 30.

FCPS Summer Programs

FCPS Summer Programs details are available on the FCPS webpage. Dates and times for these programs vary, so visit our webpage to access information about various programs.

Summer Basketball League

Fredericksburg Parks and Recreation's Summer League is open for registration. Boys and girls, aged 9 to 17 years old, are invited to register. Deadline to register is May 3.

Student Laptop Charger

Is your student in need of a new laptop charger? If so, please use this link:

Thank You

As always, we want to thank you for your ongoing support and participation, and we are looking forward to another productive and positive week ahead.

Go Tigers!