Principal Ventura's Weekly Update

Good Afternoon Tiger Family, 

This is your Principal Mr. Ventura with a few important announcements and updates for the week ahead. 

As we enter the fourth week of school, our students have shown remarkable growth, and it’s been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and commitment. This week, we’ll continue focusing on strong relationships, high expectations, and providing opportunities for every student to excel.

Holiday School Closure

Walker-Grant Middle School will be closed on Friday, August 30, and Monday, September 2, in observance of the Labor Day holiday.

Learning Lane Closure

As Learning Lane continues to be closed for repairs, all Walker-Grant parents, staff, and buses will use Lafayette Blvd. to Pender St. for arrival. Exit by taking Pender St. to Rose Ave to Hotchkiss St. Traffic Detour Flyer

7:35 AM Start Time

Please be reminded that our instructional day begins promptly at 7:35 AM. Any student arriving after this time will be marked tardy and will need to be checked in at the front office.   

Tiger Paw After-School Tutoring

After-school tutoring continues this week. All are welcome and transportation will be provided. Tiger Paw Permission Slip


Please use our attendance notes link to communicate any absences. We encourage all students to be present, be powerful, and remember attendance matters because you matter! Attendance Notes

National Junior Honors Society (NJHS) Induction Ceremony 

New NJHS members if you received a Welcome Letter at the end of last year, RSVP to Ms. Rahn or Mr. Johnson. The Induction Ceremony will be on Thursday, 8/29 in the library at 8:00 AM. Family members are encouraged to attend! If you have any questions, please see or email Ms. Rahn ( or Mr. Johnson ( 

Afternoon Pick-up Procedures

Please notify the school office if your child’s afternoon procedure changes. Use the link provided. If you fax or email ( and, please call the office to confirm receipt. No changes are accepted by phone, and all changes must be submitted by 2:15pm. Transportation Form


As we prepare to kick off our fall sports season, please remember that students are not permitted to stay after school to attend sports events without a supervising adult. Students are welcome to attend events only if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Safety Drills

We will be continuing to practice fire and lockdown drills at school this upcoming week. Teachers and staff will review safety procedures with students prior to our drills this week. We appreciate your continued support and willingness to speak with your student(s) about the importance of these safety drills. 

Mark Your Calendars

8/29: NJHS Induction Ceremony at 8am in the Library

8/30 & 9/2: W-GMS is closed

9/3: Girls basketball game at home against FT Binns at 4:30pm

9/5: Girls basketball game away at Caroline at 4:30pm

9/5: Boys football game away at FT Binns at 6:00pm

9/5: Back to School Night from 4:30-6:30pm

Responsibility Centered Discipline (RCD)   

Please review our school-wide foundations with your child. Grasping and embracing these foundational principles are crucial for ensuring an effective and inclusive educational experience for all students. W-GMS RCD Foundations

FCPS Cell Phone and Personal Device Policy   

Please take a moment to review and discuss the new FCPS Cell Phone and Personal Device Policy with your student. FCPS Cell Phone and Device Free Policy   

Parent Square

If you haven't already, please activate your ParentSquare account to stay up to date on all of the happenings at W-GMS. You can access ParentSquare on any device by downloading the free mobile app or by visiting 

Parent_Guardian - Getting Started Guide (English).pdf    

Parent_Guardian - Getting Started Guide (Spanish).pdf   

What I Wish My Parents Knew

We invite you to join us on Tuesday, September 17 at 5:30pm for a special viewing of What I Wish My Parents Knew. This film, part of the Tell My Story mental wellness program, is designed to help parents better understand how to support their children's mental health. 

The first twenty-five (25) families to register will receive the Tell My Story card game for free. This game is designed to enhance communication between parents and their teens around the topic of mental health. Please note that this is an adult-only viewing, and no children will be admitted to the film. Unfortunately, childcare will not be available for this event, but refreshments will be provided. 

For more information, please see the attached flyer. 

What I Wish My Parents Knew (English) 

What I Wish My Parents Knew (Spanish)

Registration Link:

8th Grade Coffee Fundraiser

We’re excited to announce that our 8th grade students are partnering with Java Joes for a coffee fundraiser! This is a fantastic opportunity to support our students, as 40% of the profits will go directly back to the school. If you're interested, please see the attached flyer and link for more details. Thank you for your support! 

Java Joes Flyer

Java Joe's | Home (

Student Laptop Charger

Is your student in need of a new laptop charger? If so, please use the link to this message to purchase a replacement:

Title 1

Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary, middle, and high schools.  Through Title I, the federal government designates money to school districts around the country based on the number of students in need in each district.  Each district uses its Title I money for extra educational services for children, such as:

  • Class size reduction

  • Additional teachers and paraprofessionals

  • Parent resources

  • Instructional materials and supplies

  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 support services

The focus of the Title I program is to ensure all students meet challenging content and achievement standards. Title I also authorizes federal grant programs that provide funds for reading instruction, services to migrant children, services to neglected and delinquent children, comprehensive school reform, and dropout prevention.

All FCPS students in grades K-8 are eligible to receive programs funded through the Title I grant.



Assistant Principals


Hugh Mercer Elementary School

Dr. James Snyder — English

Mr. William Wishard— Title I

TBD — Math

(540) 372-1115

Lafayette Elementary School

Mrs. Courtney Wheeler — Title I, Math

Ms. Pam Diggs

Mr. Tony Lewis — English

(540) 310-0029

Walker-Grant Middle School

Mr. Stephen Ventura

Mrs. Emma Brown — English

Dr. Kisha Frye — Title I, Math

(540) 372-1145

Thank You

As always, thank you for your continued partnership and involvement in the Walker-Grant community. Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday evening and a fantastic week ahead.

Go Tigers!